B6.6-Forklift Safety
Forklift safety is a key topic in any type of manufacturing and distribution facility. Forklifts are one of the most dangerous pieces of equipment that facilities like this have. If not used properly and with heavy precaution they can cause serious damage, injury and even death. The following are 28…
B6.5-Safety Guidelines for Accident Prevention
The safety card below is a very basic and simple card the outlines a few key guidelines for accident prevention. The goal is to create a safer workplace environment and this card can be used to start that process with a basic set of self-practicing requirements. Then note at the…
B6.4-Hearing Protection
The below Hearing Protection card summarizes the important aspects of protecting your personal hearing. Hearing damage can be a slow, unnoticeable process of loss if proactive measures are not taken. 85 dB is the point at which permanent hearing loss starts to takes place. It’s important to remember that hearing…
B6.3-How to Lift Safely
Understanding how to lift objects is very important and is usually performed incorrectly. This is especially important in the workplace where back injuries can sideline an employee for weeks or even months due to an incorrect lift. Proper form and method will go a long way in your personal health…
B6.2-5 Keys to Safely Working Alongside Forklifts
This article is titled “5 Keys to Safely Working Alongside Forklifts” because the focus is mainly on the pedestrian and not the forklift driver. It is important for forklifts and pedestrians to co-existing when an environments calls for forklift work. The diagram below shows 5 key areas in which the…
B6.1-Hierarchy of Safety Controls
The Hierarchy of Controls features an inverted pyramid, it’s a framework and a visual guide for controlling workplace hazards and protecting employees. The hierarchy diagram below starts with the controls perceived to be most effective. Then, it moves down to those considered least effective. This diagram is defined by NIOSH…